December 11, 2013
Winter Wonder
This was a trip for my husband and myself for a getaway celebrating our 32nd anniversary. This visit was a 3 night stay. The weather and mountain views spectacular, the swans were swimming on the pond entertaining us. Dinner and breakfasts were tastefully prepared, portions large and service was attentive. Our room was in the Inn was small and cozy. (There are larger rooms and cottages to stay in as well). If you desire beauty of nature this is the place. It is secluded, off the tourist route. The staff and owners are there to see your stay is comfortable. Glenda W. Waynesboro Ky via Trip Advisor
December 9, 2013
Buckhorn Inn Hosts Famous Guest
These last few days It has been our pleasure to host a visit from the official symbol of the Professional Association of International Innkeepers–The Red Chair. The Red Chair is on a nine-month journey that started in Maine and will finish in California in 2014. Red, as we familiarly refer to him, confided confidentially to me that the Smokies has been his favorite destination so far. We have a story for you about his visit to Buckhorn.
The Red Chair Gets a Paint Job The Red Chair arrived tired at Buckhorn Inn after his weeks of traveling and longing for the Orange Chair that had kept him company at his previous stop at Creekwalk Inn.
We offered him a Blue Chair who was visiting but he said “My heart belongs to Orange.” He was slightly unkempt and grouchy, so we decided a day in our workshop would do him good. (I know I always feel better after a day getting “fixed-up” at the beauty salon.) Hugo tightened up his loose bits and gave him a coat of matching red paint and he professed himself ready to face the world again after a quick look in the mirror.
The Red Chair Officially Arrives Red had been admitted to the Inn via the back entrance when he arrived because he said “I don’t want anyone looking at me until I get a paint job.” So, we asked him nicely to make his entrance official by coming in the front door, which is the most popular place among our guests for picture taking because of the sign that says “Buckhorn Inn.” A bit vain, Red preened for the photo and we had to show him several versions before he was satisfied with this photo shown here. Doesn’t he look great? Well, at least that was Red’s opinion.
The Red Chair Dines with Friends “What I want is a good dinner with great service and ambience. An excellent wine list would also be welcome,” Red demanded (or asked politely depending on who is telling the story.) Innkeeper John Mellor told Red he had come to the right place as Buckhorn is the only inn in the area that serves dinner nightly. He gave Red the best seat in the house and comped him for this fine dinner, Red having pointed out that he is, after all, the Official Ambassador of our national Bed and Breakfast association. As all of us who have been lucky enough to know, Red makes friends wherever he goes and here at Buckhorn he soon became the center of attention. Crowds got a little too friendly at times with some of our guests actually wanting to sit on him! Red did invite the Buckhorn Bears One and Two to have dinner with him because they just adored him. Buckhorn Bear One said of him “Red is so tall and handsome—I just can’t take my eyes off him.” Buckhorn Bear Two had tears in her eyes when Red had to leave the next morning.
The Red Chair Meditates After a hearty breakfast with a menu just chocked full of delicious choices, Red said he wanted a little time to himself to unwind before going on to his next stop. Innkeeper Lee Mellor suggested that a visit to Rachael’s Labyrinth for a little meditation and a walk through the Inn’s gardens would be just the ticket. “The gardens aren’t the best during the winter season but our three perennial gardens really show their stuff in the spring, summer and fall. Of course, we have so many evergreen bushes—like native rhododendrons and azaleas—that the walk around the property and through our own nature trail is a visual pleasure year round.” (Lee likes to brag.)
Red Feeds the Swans Red’s favorite stop on his walk (I use this term “walk” figuratively as he was actually transported about on one of our golf carts) was Buckhorn Pond. Why? “Well,” he said, this is a beautiful, peaceful pond where I could spend several hours just sitting on the bench but the sight of two beautiful swans swanning about came as a big surprise. Fortunately, my driver had brought a good supply of lettuce for Swans Pentu and Teller (get the joke?—they are mute swans). “ As pointed out previously, Red makes friends wherever he goes and he and Pentu and Teller were soon trading stories and cracking jokes.
Red Says Goodbye It was hard to say “tata” to Red, but we understood he had his work to think of, pleasurable as it is, and we couldn’t be selfish with his company. After all, he had given up his love for The Orange Chair because of his responsibilities. Like Buckhorn Bear 2, we had a tear or two our eyes as Red made his departure but we comforted ourselves with the knowledge that he was being delivered into the warmth, comfort and charm of our neighbors at Foxtrot Bed and Breakfast.
December 5, 2013
Best Anniversary Dinner
I made reservations at Buckhorn Inn to celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary after it was recommended by several from Tripadvisor Forum. I am so glad that we did. It was such a quaint romantic evening. The staff was so hospitable and made our dinner special by seating us next to the roaring fireplace, and had decorated our table with cupid confetti and a happy anniversary table tent. The 4 course meal was delicious, and what an awesome value for only $35 each. Even the other dining guests were true examples of southern hospitality. One lady stopped by for casual talk and when we told her that it was our anniversary a few others must have heard, because several stopped by to chat and congratulate us. I liked the preset menu, and the spiced tea is absolutely delicious. It was dark when we arrived but one of the guests told us to come back during daylight because the views are magnificent of the highest point in the great smokey Mountains. We hope to come back again and actually stay at the inn. If you are planning a trip to Gatlinburg, don’t miss this place as a “Must” for your fine dining option. Trip Advisor Review November 2013, kytraveler307, Georgetown, Kentucky
A Unique Guest Memory
We recently had the pleasure of hosting Bill and Gwen Baddley from Baton Rouge–after an absence of five long years. It was great to renew our relationship and to see them so healthy and happy. They have been traveling the world these last few years and we have missed them. They did a first for Buckhorn–producing a three minute video which shows them during a visit that had snow, Christmas decorations, and sunshine. If you have the three minutes, click here to see the video.
November 25, 2013
Healing the Soul
I wanted to thank you for helping make this year’s visit to Buckhorn extra special. It was so nice to spend my birthday there and you helped make it so. There are lots of beautiful parks to visit in this country, but Buckhorn makes the Smokies the best. The Buckhorn can’t heal the body, but it definitely heals the soul. It’s always good to meet old friends there and to visit our Tennessee friends, the wonderful Buckhorn staff.” Connie Layne 2013 Ohio
November 22, 2013
Memories of a 1958 Honeymoon
Dr. Tom and Mrs. Mary Kollie reflect on their memories of Buckhorn Inn, beginning in 1958.
Congratulations to Buckhorn Inn on the occasion of its 75th Anniversary! It is most
exciting to be a tiny part of the Inn’s remarkable history, as the following story is shared
with great delight.
It all began on August 23, 1958, when newlyweds of a few hours embarked toward
Gatlinburg for the first night of their honeymoon. Their naiveté in not making reservations
came through when they reached this popular Tennessee resort town to realize that of the
numerous advertised accommodations, there were none available on that hot summer
night. Seeking other options, the young groom in this story took the fork in the road toward
Cosby that turned out to be most serendipitous!
Traveling along the Cosby highway, there shortly appeared a small, shingled sign reading
“Buckhorn Inn,” which pointed to a road to the left. Having nothing to lose and with hope
in the unknown, the 1955 red-and-white Ford made the turn and carried the now
suspenseful newlyweds up the steep, graveled road where they followed the signs to a
charming inn on the mountain side.
Upon arriving at the Buckhorn Inn, a lovely lady approached their car when they pulled into
the parking lot in front of the Inn. She peered into the car and saw the bride with her
corsage still pinned to her going-away outfit. Her heart must have taken hold of her head as
she kindly explained the situation at the Inn to the seeking couple. The Inn could not
accommodate them for dinner, but there was a small cabin on a little path on the hillside
that she would have available for them if they dined elsewhere. Upon being shown Cabin
#1, the couple decided it was the perfect honeymoon cottage; and they could not have found
a better place had they searched the region over! If that were not enough, they were offered
breakfast to be delivered to their cabin the next morning. As promised, neatly uniformed
young ladies came to the door with two trays of delicious breakfast fare and carafes of
coffee to fortify their wedded journey.
Good fortune continued to follow their lives as they made their home in Oak Ridge, TN,
where they have lived for 53 years and where they reared their three children. During this
half-century plus, they have had the pleasure of returning to “Buckhorn” a number of times.
Most recently, they celebrated their 55th Wedding Anniversary in Cabin #1. Innkeeper, Lee
Mellor, who greeted them warmly, appeared to be as excited as they were on their return to
the Inn for this anniversary celebration. The moment was strongly reminiscent of the day
55 years ago when another kind lady, Mrs. June Bebb, did so as well. It was an especially
happy occasion for the couple as they received e-mails from their children telling them they
were sharing in their day with their well wishes; and greetings from family and friends
congratulating them on their milestone.
So joyfully, please join the grateful couple in raising a glass to the Buckhorn Inn as it
continues, with both vision and grace, the tradition of hospitality begun 75 years ago. This
couple feels very enriched to have had the experience of the Inn and to foresee its promising
future toward its century mark!
Buckhorn Memories
When you see Jerome Vreeland give him a hug from me for writing such a beautiful book (Buckhorn Memories). He got so many of the special memories in the book. It makes me feel good to look at each page. The last three years have been hard for me, but making the trip to Buckhorn made things so much better. John was always there to help me get seated at breakfast. Lee was there for so many things, including a big hug. Frank took me in a golf cart to see the swans. I always spent time with them when I could get around. Coming to Buckhorn is like coming home. Elaine and Frank Edmonds, September 2013
Peaceful and Wonderful
We have been coming to the Inn for many years, usually on birthdays and anniversaries. We celebrated our 50th anniversary with our family at Bebb and Lindsay Houses. We were here in April 2013 and are here now in October 2013 to celebrate our 61st anniversary. Buckhorn is always peaceful and wonderful and the delicious food is an added attraction. We plan to visit as long as we can. Emily and Sam Doak, Greenville TN October 2013
Just Great!
We had a great time at Buckhorn Inn. The rooms were great–very clean–with a great view. Thank you so much for the great accommodations and great friendly staff. We will return because we loved it! Ardyth and Bob Sommers, Salem OH
Roland Recounts Changes in the Last 75 Years
My parents had their first meal on their farmstead on Thanksgiving Day 1937. I was born May 1938. There were five of us in a two-room, tar-papered shack. We got our first tractor when I was in the first grade. We moved into a house with indoor plumbing when I was in the fourth grade. We got our telephone when I was in the 7th grade. The folks didn’t have tv until after I was drafted into the army. We didn’t use personal computers in school because they hadn’t been invented.
Many things have changed in the past 75 years but the tradition of great service, fine food and the serenity of the mountains has remained unchanged at Buckhorn Inn. Thanks for keeping the traditions live. This is a special place operated by special people. Roland Whitsell, October 2013
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