November 20, 2017
We Are Thankful for the Buckhorn Family
We are so pleased that many of our long-time guests refer to themselves as part of the “Buckhorn Family”! When John and I purchased the Buckhorn, we expected to provide travelers with a respite from the rush of everyday life, and an opportunity to renew their spirits in the tranquility of nature’s bounty. What has delighted us most is that we also are providing a place for family and friends to connect and celebrate each other. Nothing pleases us more than to have a couple or a group announce to us that this is their 5th, or 12th, or 27th visit to the Buckhorn!
Comments from Buckhorn Family Members
We gathered many comments from guests in the book The Buckhorn Experience”. Here is a sampling:
“The fireplace is the perfect backdrop for a cozy opportunity to chat with newly-made friends.” Cyndy
“We are sitting here tonight watching the fire, with a good wine. Everything here is peaceful. Why would you want to be anywhere else? This is and always will be my favorite place to stay.” Cindy and Lamar
“Our ninth visit is as memorable as ever. As my wife said to Lee, the Buckhorn trip is not like going away, it is like coming home!” Philip and Judy
“We do not leave this place behind, for in our hearts, we will always carry the love and beauty we found here.” Babe
“Our 12th trip to the Buckhorn was just as wonderful as the others. We look forward to returning next fall!” Grady and Cindy
“We have been coming here so long, we can’t agree just how many times we’ve been here!” June
“We celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary here with four other couples who have also been married for 35 years. Just as good as it was 10 years ago when we were all here for our 25th!” Mel and Bobbie
“There’s magic here. It’s subtle. Worries and fears slip off like ill-fitted garments.” Suzan
“Every time I go to the Buckhorn Inn, I always come away with new friends. I don’t go to the Buckhorn to get friends. I have plenty already. But these are special friends, who have shared the Buckhorn experience.” Douglas
Thank you to all our wonderful guests for being part of the Buckhorn family. We wish you a joyous Thanksgiving!
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