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Inn offers birdwatching walks

Birdwatching AdultsBecome a birdwatcher at Buckhorn Inn!   Each Thursday and Saturday morning from now until the end of October, Birder Extraordinaire Keith Watson will lead a morning bird walk here at the Inn.  
Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a premier place for birds. The crest of the Smokies towers nearly a mile above the foothills, creating a range in elevations and a variety of topographies that provide a diversity of habitats and microclimates for birds.  The number of birds and diversity of species change with the seasons.  Fall is a time of change when warblers and others wear a confusing molted fall plumage. Restless to migrate, many species will leave at night and head south. In mid-September the Broad-winged Hawks begin to kettle-up over the ridges and glide to the next thermal, with a few Sharp-shinned, Cooper’s, Northern Harriers, and others joining. Even as the migrants leave, the winter visitors begin to arrive – Purple Finch, Evening Grosbeak, Swamp Sparrow, and others. 

Bird walks begin at 7:30 a.m. on Thursdays and Saturdays.  Call 865 436 4668 to reserve or email [email protected].  Binoculars supplied.