An Encounter with a Territorial Swan
My two daughters, Lynne and Barbara, gave me an 85th birthday surprise of five days at the Bebb House! We’ve been coming to Buckhorn Inn almost from the beginning of Lee and John’s ownership. We have so many wonderful, funny and factual notes about the history. This visit was a first “experience” with the swans. Not knowing how territorial the males are, Lynne ventured too close. Teller came over the fence, wings spread, and in very explicit body language, as she tried to back away, he made it very clear she was not welcome period. Barbara cheered Lynne from a safe distance, and eventually Lynne made it safely away. My very wise PhD daughter apparently was not given wisdom about swans. But being respectful of all species, a lesson was learned, and she will not be friending a male swan ever again. From Sarah in Cincinnati
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