Did Make Any Resolutions for the New Year?
The first New Year’s resolutions may have been made more than 4,000 years ago! The ancient Babylonians celebrated their new year in March when the crops were planted. During a 12-day religious festival they promised their gods that they would repay any debts and return any borrowed items. These promises could be considered the forerunners today’s resolutions.
In Rome, Julius Caesar changed the calendar around 46 B.C. to make the year begin with January. January was named for the Roman god Janus, who looked backwards into the previous year as well as into the future. The Romans made many promises of good behavior to Janus.
For early Christians, the first of January became a day of reflecting on past bad behaviors and resolving not to commit them again. In 1740 John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, created the Covenant Renewal Service. These became known as “watch night” services. They became hymn-filled spiritual services that were an alternative to the loud parties to be found elsewhere.
The phrase “New Year’s Resolutions” first appeared in a Boston newspaper article on January 1, 1813. The author wrote about how people use the new year to make right whatever wrongs they had committed the previous year.
Modern Resolutions
Today most people seem to focus their New Year’s promises on areas of self-improvement. Recent surveys say about 45% of Americans make a New Year’s resolution. Sadly, only about 8% of them report attaining their goals.
At Buckhorn Inn we believe the new year brings a chance for a fresh start. We were delighted to celebrate with our guests as they had their fortunes told, vied for door prizes popular over the last 10 decades, ate a sumptuous meal and danced the night away.
In terms of goals for 2020, we remain charmed by a list we found in Gulf News from a few years ago. We offer them for your inspiration. And don’t forget to tell us what you have decided to resolve for 2020!
Get a new skill. Adopt a pet. Learn a new language. Adopt a no-social-media day. Begin a daily journal. Budget and save. Create and recreate. Visit another country. Read more books. Show others you care.
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