Scents and Sensibility
Scents have a stronger link to memory and emotion than information garnered by our other senses. The scientific explanation is that when you hear, touch, taste, or see something, the information heads to your thalamus, your brain’s relay station. Then that information is sent to
other areas of the brain. But when you smell something, the information bypasses the
thalamus and goes directly to the olfactory bulb. This may explain why a particular scent can
trigger a detailed memory or an intense emotion.
We learned this in working with an artisan to create a unique aroma for Buckhorn Inn—the
Scent of Serenity. We began by identifying all the aromas that you have told us you associate with a vacation here: robust coffee, fresh herbs on the veranda, clean sheets, morning rain,
roses, fresh-baked bread, antique wood, pine, warm maple syrup, books, wood smoke, and
others. We described a stay here in the words you have given us: relaxing, serene, cozy, quiet.
Our scent expert used this information to develop six unique scents.
Lee and Sharon each spent a week trying out the scents and both fell in love with the same one. We have dubbed it Scent of Serenity.
The Scent of Serenity is subtle, warm and cozy, and has hints of smoke, spice, antique wood,
and greenery. We are using diffusers with the Scent of Serenity in the entry way, library, sitting
room, office, and the premier suites.
If you would like to take an air of serenity home with you, diffusers of this custom scent and
reeds are available in our gift shop for $27. It is our hope that when you catch a subtle hint of
the Scent of Serenity, it will trigger happy memories of your stays with us.
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