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Tractor Driving Lessons Offered at Buckhorn Inn

A long time ago, the mid-50s and early 60s – my family would spend spring vacations at the Buckhorn Inn. My parents – Frank and Janet Warren – were old friends of the Bebbs having lived for years in Hinsdale, Illinois. We would make the trip down to Harrodsburg, KY from Hinsdale on the first day, stay at Aspen Hall and eat dinner at the Beaumont Inn. We’d eat breakfast at a diner and get lunch made there for the trip to Norris Dam and then into Gatlinburg. We would also stay in the first or second cottage. The Bebbs had a VW bus and a VW convertible and I would ride with Doug into town to get supplies. I’d play with Molly at their house on the hill around the bend from the Inn. I learned to drive a tractor at Buckhorn Inn! I would occasionally bring a friend with me and my parents would drop us off at one end of town and we would play putt-putt golf, visit every junk store, and get a hamburger somewhere until we reached the other end of town. Pigeon Forge was just a little pottery then. We would play golf at the Gatlinburg CC. What great times we had there.  My mother bought her first Jim Gray sketch at Buckhorn and subsequently acquired several other watercolors. Happy Anniversary Buckhorn Inn!  John W. Warren